First of all, this will not give you any more spoilers, this is to warn you about them, so if you expected that, you might as well exit right now, I will not reveal anything more until the morning of September the 7, so wait until then. For those that have come here to prevent spoilers, but also to keep the hype and excitement for KHBBS alive, you've come to the right place. It's hard to not want to know so much about something new and exciting, but believe you me, it's just plain spoiler alerts all over the place. I know it's happened once in your life, and don't think it hasn't happened to me. Everything about a game, spoiled before you even went to pick it up. It was like that when [Prototype] came out, I wanted to see everything about this hot new game. I spent hours on Youtube, and even more hours on Gamefaqs as well just to find out more about it. Once I got the game, there was nothing else to learn at all. It was horribly boring, but not because of the game itself, It was very fun cutting and slamming people to oblivion and flying around, but the overall experience was ruined for me. I knew about all the weapons, abilities, and even more the majority of the story line. It was a complete waste. This isn't about Prototype though, it's about KHBBS, and I won't allow myself to fall into the same trap that I've fallen in so many years ago! (insert Hero-man theme here)Now, I've already gotten a "little" ahead of myself, since I've seen a few youtube videos, but it's not too severe, I've only seen the ones from two to three years ago and not too recent. I've also seen those year reviews too of course. Thats about it I think, but unfortunately the internet is an information highway of doom, spoiler alerts are pretty much inserted everywhere and you sometimes can't contain yourself! If you've already fallen to the beast, it's okay, just make sure it's not too much info about the story or abilities. If you've been to Kingdom hearts wiki,... than I'm sorry, it's a little too late for you. Kingdom hearts wiki isn't a bad site, in fact for kingdom hearts info it's the best I've ever seen, unfortunately it's too good, as it has the lowdown on pretty much everything including new keyblades. If you went here, then don't even bother reading this, don't even look at me, "sniffle"... you make me so ashamed! ...Then again, I can't really blame you at all if you're just a bit curious. Waiting is harder than moving, it takes patience just to not get bored with old things when the new things are just around the corner. I'm going to show you how to keep from all of the spoilers while you can easily get more ecstatic about getting KHBBS.
First of all, stay away from any KH sites that gives away huge major spoilers! (Mine doesn't count since it doesn't reveal too much but it keeps you entertained) Youtube is included but to a somewhat lesser degree. Listen, we all know that the japanese version came out over seven months ago, and people over there practically beat it already, but thats in a whole another language and its practically a lesser version than what we're going to get. New features and bonuses, come on! Still, people are impatient and richer than most of us, so they buy out of the country just to either show off or try to go before us. However, I can see about the box set with the custom psp, it's super hot, but the actual game in full japanese isn't the best way to get ahead. This isn't enough though, they go around on youtube and post the "FULL" gameplay online! That's what really pisses me off! I know, I know, nobody is forcing me to watch the gameplay, but temptation is a cruel mistress that enjoys other people's weakness. This act is a super major spoiler that can pretty much ruin the whole game for me with just one viewing. I can tell you to not watch these videos, but who are we kidding? I know you probably know the names of everyones keyblade, Fresh Breeze, Earthshaker, and Rain Fall, but if you didn't know, didn't I just spoil it for you when you could have found out on your own? (Don't worry, that's the only thing I'll spoil in this page) This is what I'm trying to prevent for everyone that want's to wait their turn for it. Thats how it was in KH II. I can't help but wonder if people will get bored though, as much as I don't want to spoil everything, I don't want people to have to wait a whole three weeks for this and completely forget about it. Some people won't because they actually put in money for Pre-Order, but others might wait weeks for it and have missed everything. I know when I get it, I want this game to be my first Gameefaq's faq column, if only I could afford the copyright.
The thing that has me on track other than the fact I paid full price on pre order, is the Style change ability. I mean out of all the videos, no abilities were shown, no new stuff was leaked except for the characters and the Style change. They showed the video without giving away too much, but it was enough to get me hooked. Out of all the games, KH, KHII, and KH Re-C of M, I couldn't find a place where magic fitted into my gameplay unless I was spamming curaga or in Master, Final, or Wisdom form. Now with this, they have attacks and forms that doesn't force you to use magic, it just makes them a whole lot easier to cast, if fact it's webbed all throughout the game, and it doesn't even cost as much as it used to for more powerful spells. Sora is a good character, but at the beginning, he has nothing but weak thrusts and attacks. So you see, it's only when he learned to combine magic within his attacks did he become more powerful. After you got Master form, you didn't go into Valor form too frequently, you used Master because he had both power and magic combined into one. His main attacks also had magic properties within them. Master forms magic attacks were hot, but I feel KHBBS will be a new era for magical users and keyblade rushers alike. If you need a better description, go to ( ), and then go to ( ), to see the difference it makes. (By the way, this is only the beginning of BBS, while the other video is long after he beat KHII. Thanks to the guys that made these videos. KHInsider-CardCaptorDeadpool) Try to find old videos that show your favorite parts about KHBBS and try to keep them on your mind, plus you can follow previews and reviews for this game. A good review that shows new stuff but doesn't spoil it is RadicalDream's Review, at ( ) If you follow this strategy, it'll keep you hype until the game comes out and then you can go crazy.