I've just got information that Kingdom Hearts BBS, will receive a new Special Edition box set! It comes with a cool cover box art with the game inside, and extra cool picks and stuff that SE boxes comes with. Unfortunately for me, I've already pre ordered the game and for me to buy this is just a waste of a lot of money. (Darn it all! I really wanted the Special Edition!) I know it may seem old that I just found out, but as long as it's not out yet, it's still brand new info. You can take the time you have to save your money cause unfortunately, this game doesn't come out until they actually make a release date for the US. The UK and Australia will get theirs at the same day the original game comes out, September the 9th and 10th. If you're from the US, you'll have to wait around, if you're from Japan, well, you don't even need this since you have the Limited Edition Bundle with the special PSP. If you're from Europe or Australia, you can easily get this Special Edition at your local retailer on the 9th and 10th of next month, how I envy you so much. If you have a lot of the green on plastic, you can easily order this online from those specific regions at the release time, but don't expect the same gameplay that you would see on USA, or the area you're from. (This sucks, Japan has the Bundle, and now Europe has the Special Edition, why is life so cruel?)
The newest and most satisfying info out there is that PSN, (Playstation Network) will supposedly NOT have Birth by sleep downloadable to the PSP GO. This is just a rumor since I got it from a non affiliate site. This info is a hard hit to those that bought this specifically for Birth by sleep. If you did, all I can say is that you only have yourself to blame. Its ALWAYS a better choice to buy systems when there is actual game cartridges that can be used on it. I recently bought the PSP about three months ago, and I heard about KHBBS about a year ago I guess. Even though the PSP Go had been fully released a year ago, I still reviewed it and found out about it having no UMD, this immediately put me off of it, and the price didn't help either. If you stayed on 3000, good for you, it'll obviously be months before PSN even considers having this game downloadable, and we'll have beat the game way before any Go user. PSP 3000 rules!
(Sunday-August 15, 2010)
I was just checking on my pre order when I saw the official strategy guide and clicked on it. Now, what I don't get is that when every new game comes out, the Strategy Guide comes out at least 10 to 12 days "before" the actual game comes out. I don't know if this is to brush up on your game skills before the actual game, but this is no less than a huge spoiler alert to me. If you plan to go out and get this days before the actual game comes out be prepared for the worst since it could show every keyblade, style, ability and action there could be in the game. I bought an official strategy guide about six or seven years ago, it was for Pokemon Sapphire and Ruby, (I was in my pokemon stage okay? Don't judge me!) and it pretty much ruined the game for me you know? It listed everything, fields, events, all of that stuff you're supposed to find out for yourself, I paid over ten dollars just to spoil the whole game, what a major waste. Like I keep saying, I can't stop you, (No superman powers here) so you can do what you want, but this advice is to keep you from hurting yourself out of 20 bucks. Of course, I "might" buy it, it's both a good collectible and "after" I beat the game, it could really show me things I've missed before. Still, the price and the date might not work for me, plus It'll take only an hour for me to skim it and know everything thats supposed to be secret before it comes out.
This is something else I picked up on while checking on my pre order, they're supposed to be giving away free KH decals to those that pre ordered right? I saw them, and I just felt cheated because of how I felt about them overall. Don't mistake me for being an ungrateful bastard, I'm not one to take things for granted, if I can get anything nice I'll be grateful for it regardless of what it is. This is a nice decal and it looks so great, plus it's exclusive so those of you that didn't pre order, yeah... gloating and boasting time my friend. Then again, you lucky people in japan have the real deal printed on your PSP's, while I got a sticker. While I can peel mine off and throw it away, you got yours engraved in the PSP! (You can't just peel that off!) I might have to buy Rosetta Stone and learn me some fluent japanese up in this mess, cause you guys have all the hottest stuff, and we just got a sticker. Bummer.
(Monday-August 16, 2010)
(Thursday-August 19, 2010)
I knew it was going to happen, but not this soon. What am I talking about? Gamefaqs is what I'm talking about! The faqs for KHBBS are already out and in the flesh of text format. I really thought they was going to at least wait four more weeks before at least accepting Faqs to show on the net, but I guess most people just can't wait that long. I mean, even if you go there, no doubt 99.99% of those faqs and walkthroughs will be from the Japanese version of KHBBS. Trust me, for your sake and mine, don't get too excited and go here out of curiosity. It's just not worth it to know about a surprise gift before your actual celebration. What I'm trying to say is, don't spoil everything about a new game by going to this web site. I'm not trying to put down Gamefaqs at all, in fact it's one of my favorite websites in the world wide web. Plus, it helped me get through some of the toughest side missions in games after I beat them. (Beating Sonic 2, and 3's Emerald missions were one of the hardest) You've read my other pages right, you should know how serious Game Spoiling is to most people, especially me. You wouldn't want anybody to come out of a movie theater and tell you the ending to the movie you just paid over 20 dollars to watch for yourself right? Its the same thing here, but it's just for games, not movies.
If you go here this will spoil it in the same sense of going to KH's wiki and reading everything, but this time all the abilities and attacks are included, so yeah, it might spoil it more than what KH's wiki would. I would only recommend going to gamefaqs walkthroughs if you bought and beat the game, or if the game is old and you want some insight to it. One other reason to go here is to get past a hard part in a game, but not to get ahead of yourself. I swear I thought they were going to wait, but I guess when the majority of the people demand what they want, it's hard to say no.
(Friday-August 20, 2010)
Well, I've got to admit, I am a hyper large hypocrite. I've told you time and time again not to spoil it for your own sake, but I couldn't for the life of me, stay away from brand new developments in this game. Well, you can call me a hypocrite and all that, but I'm not too far deep as one would think, there are plenty of other surprises out on the english version of BBS. First of all, Some things have largely changed from the Japanese version, so if you already bought it from that country, consider yourself surprised when things look totally different from our version. The most noticeable change is the Style Names, although named differently, much of the gameplay is the same unless I'm missing a major detail. Fire Blazer is now named Fire Storm, (The difference between JP names and US names is very canny, you can tell which is which very easily.) and of course Magic Wish is now Spell Weaver. The one change that went sour with me, but is still cool because of the attacks, is the name change from Speed Rave, to Fever Pitch. This was the worst you could do to this style change, I mean, I know it's only a name, but sheesh! "Fever" is a word I would rarely want to see, much less hear unless I'm sick with it. Pitch isn't even doing it for me just because it's one of the words I rarely see anywhere unless in baseball or when water is pouring from one. Speed Rave was so hot, and it matched up so nicely, but, I guess they're making the game not me. Hey, I am optimistic, so maybe they'll do some changes before the game comes out huh? Who knows, but one thing that won't change is the awesome gameplay that this game can dish out, and its a challenge too, so who cares about the name of the moves, as long as they look hot thats fine with me.
(Monday-August 23, 2010)
Umm, no real new stuff to really report except that there's only one more week left before the full US release of the game! Isn't this exciting? Still, Japan's version of the game has already been ringed out and drained completely dry for all it's info and data, but I still think no one has gotten too far with it yet. The Game Director and Designer, Tetsuya Nomura, stated that there WILL be a little movie to show a preview and fill in all the blanks about this series after you beat this game on the harder difficulties. It won't show up on easy, so there's a possibility that most people haven't seen it at all yet, but than again, I've seen people blow past an eight hour game in just two, so it's very possible its already been leaked on the net since the Japanese version was out for half a year. I got this information from 1up.com, and all the credit goes to them and their awesome site of course. If you want to read it for yourself, go here. ( http://www.1up.com/news/tetsuya-nomura-kingdom-hearts-birth ) Even if it is up, still wouldn't recommend trying to go get a sneak peak without beating the game for yourself.
Oh, my goodness... I'm practically speechless! I don't know how long this information was out, but I just had to tell you! You remember Japan's Limited Edition Bundle right? Well I just went over to gamefaqs and saw the new Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep PSP-3000 Entertainment Pack was coming out for the US! This wasn't enough information though, so I searched it up on yahoo, google, and youtube, but no information was out on it at all, so I thought it was a mistake or somebody was pulling my hair, but I soon pulled up my trusty game retailer, Gamestop, and there it was!! Kingdom Hearts BBS Entertainment Pack in Mystic Silver!! I apologize to everyone in both Europe and Japan offended by my envy of their packs, but now the people in the US have one!! It's kinda a mystery though since the front is blank unlike Japan's version, and there's no picture or view of the back, but hopefully, it has the official etched in marks of course.
The total for the pack is 199.99 dollars in total, my tax in NC is 8.25%, so it'll cost me around 216.49 dollars including tax of course, and it's not a bad deal considering the original PSP and KHBBS separately would run you 227.30 dollars including tax, so you would lose 10.81 dollars. (Sorry for all the math, I am kinda a geek for this stuff) The point is, it's a good buy all around. Unfortunately, there is a slight problem, the reason why I couldn't find it online was because this particular entertainment pack is exclusively for Gamestop buyers ONLY! Of course, most of you will buy it from Gamestop than sell in on ebay or some other online retailer, but the official buy is only held in gamestop retailers, not target, walmart, best buy, or any other store offline. Hopefully you'll buy this instead of buying them separately, unfortunately for me, I didn't wait long enough and bought them separately, but since I am a major collector, I will definitely buy this when I save up enough money. I encourage you to do so as well.
(Tuesday-August 24, 2010)
I'm sure most, if not all of you has noticed that there is a composite or component cable out there that can hook your PSP to the TV if you feel like the screen's a bit too small for you, and this is a major want for BBS since it can make the gameplay more like KH2. Unfortunately, I have to decline on getting this product because it doesn't deliver what it promises at all. Still, it delivers a lot on other things like media since the PSP shows great with high resolution and can show downloaded or bought movies on HD. Thats the thing though, it's only media that it enhances, nothing else. The thing that really made me skip on it was that this cable shows everything, everything in fullscreen format, except the actual games! The start up PSP logo is immediately cut down to 3/4's the screens surface area, than the actual game itself is cut down further to only 2/4's the window screen. Now, depending on your TV, this can be a little difference, to a whole lot with a 50" screen if you know what I mean. With anything less than a $1000 TV set, it's not much of an upgrade since the TV will really cut your gameplay screen down to size. Now, one way to get the full screen on your TV is to hack your PSP, but I highly wouldn't recommend it unless two of these fell off the back of a truck, leaving you one in case your game is lost forever. The second is foolproof but expensive, costing around 76$ just for one. The thing I'm talking about is the PSP to HD converter, sold only online so don't try looking for a retailer. This will guarantee you a fullscreen picture and very high quality, plus it already comes with the cords so it's really all you need. I really like this since I'm not really into the Component cable, but spending 70 dollars on a prepaid card isn't my idea of a good buy since I could buy myself a lot of things instead of this, plus if you have a regular no "HDMI" TV set, it'll be a waste of a buy since it only works on HDMI. I really do recommend this product for that good PS2 feeling though. Just Imagine, KHBBS in fullscreen.
(Wednesday-August 25, 2010)
Well, well, well!! Looks like it's Back to School for some of us!! Some of you out there have a few more weeks, but it's all the same still. I'd hate to say anything about the mind numbing chatter of the teachers hammering down on you, but the one thing I DO NOT recommend is to take your PSP to school. I'm not trying to be an annoying goody two shoes because I used to take my old gameboy advance, my DS, and even Ps2 and Gamecube games to school to sell them. I rarely got caught by the way, but running the risk of having Birth by sleep taken away isn't going to feel too good now would it? Of course, in high school the teachers either don't care or care too much so even when I got caught, I made sure it wasn't by the hardcore snappy teachers. Still, those of you in middle and grade school will have a hard time keeping this game under wraps, since every teacher in these grades is a bit too maternal. (Even the dudes) They'll take it and keep it till your parents come to pick it up. In high school, they'll take it and if you don't come back for it, they'll keep it for themselves. They'll even charge your plan on cellphones before they buy a new one. The point is, just don't go hysterically overboard since the pickup date falls on a school day, and we all know how it takes great dedication to finish a game, and school just seems like a waste of time to most of us.
A new 7 minute trailer has been released, and it just got me extremely overjoyed! I can try to explain everything in this one paragraph, but you'll have to see it to believe it. Trust me, it's super awesome.
Thanks goes out to both Goodman2008 at Youtube, and Gamescom.com for this spectacular video.
(Thursday-August 26, 2010)
Hey, it's a day closer to the release date to Birth by sleep, and I still have a lot to talk about. A mode making it's second debut into the kingdom hearts series is acclaimed to be one of toughest modes out there. The mode I'm talking about is Critical Mode, and it's going to be a mode featured in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. This mode was only available in KH II FM+, and this game was only stationed in Japan, so for many North American kingdom hearts gamers, this is a first for us. This mode pawns proud mode on all levels and will no doubt be a tough challenge to actually go the distance and beat the full game on this insane mode. It will take at least a command list full of mega potions, curaga, and your most powerful moves just to get somewhere considering most enemies will take you out in swarms, and bosses will destroy you in two to three hits. I don't know if the same conditions of Critical Mode will apply from FM+ , (More difficult abilities unlocked first, halve Hp and Mp, 75% of max experience gained, and more Ap ) but I'm sure you'll still have a very hard time trying to beat it. I suggest you try it on easy first and work your way up to Proud, than if you think you can survive, go for the Critical. I say this because most people want to have fun first and learn all they can, than they go for the more harder stuff. It's like buying Halo 3 for the first time and automatically try to go for Legendary, you'll hate the game for this and it'll be your fault. Just as an "example" I put Critical Mode gameplay here so you can get a little taste of what to expect. (Thanks for the crazy awesome video Flargoz)
Critical Mode Gameplay
(Friday-August 27, 2010)
Got some great news for today, and it's sure to make anyone who loved Kingdom hearts and Kingdom hearts FM+, go absolutely gaga for this game. You remember in both those games there were certain moves and attacks you can do right? (In FM+ only Limit Form is able) Well the majority of these moves can be equipped on most if not all the characters in Birth by Sleep! If you don't know what I'm talking about, heres a list of all the available moves from the first kingdom hearts, and I'll describe them as thoroughly as I can.
Strike Raid
Sora launches the keyblade for long distance damage, it than disappears and reappears after the first strike hits, than the command bar turns to "raid" for up to three more strikes and finally his last strike finishes off with a two handed keyblade throw called "judgement".
Same as the original version except the "Raid" and "Judgement" commands are all done with the triangle reaction command. Only done in Limit Form.
A smaller version of the move, yet there are many variations of it like Freeze Raid. The user hurls the keyblade heavily hitting the opponent both on the initial throw and again when it boomerangs back. Every character can use this move.
Sonic Blade
Cloud's original move Sonic Blade allows Sora to dart and skewer his opponents with great speed. After his first initial attack hits, the command bar turns into a "Rave" command that allows him to follow up and skewer his opponents five more times until the Finish command appears. Sora will than do a more powerful Sonic Blade finisher that ends the attack.
Same as the original version except the "Rave" and "Finish" command is executed with the triangle button command instead. Only done in Limit Form.
Same as Kingdom Hearts except the thrust attack is executed with the triangle button command instead. Every Character can use this move.
Ars Arcanum
Sora unleashes a barrage of keyblade strikes that does major damage to any opponent caught in the combo. There are no commands in this move.
Same as the original version except there are actual commands that lengthen the attack for up to seven more strikes than from the original. Only done in Limit Form.
Not the same as the original, this move is done with more speed and acrobatics and deals a lot more hits than Sora's count of thirteen. Only Ven can use this move.
This is an aerial attack that first does a barrage of keyblade attacks before knocking the opponent back and shooting a large amount of homing lasers at the foe. Depending on if you timed the command "Burst" right, you can deal the maximum amount of lasers and damage to your opponent.
Same as the original version except the command "burst" is executed with the triangle action command. This time, you get three opportunities at the perfect timing since the reaction command flashes three times very quickly. Hitting the triangle too fast this time will give you minimal amount of lasers and damage.
This time, the attack comes in the form of a new mode called the shoot lock mode. It probably has many variations of the move combined with elements but not much is known yet. Every character can use this move.
(Doesn't appear here)
This move is a combo finisher for Sora in Limit Form. This move allows Sora to do a very powerful slash so fast that the effects of it doesn't appear until the attack is finished. It takes away a drive bar when executed however. Again, only obtainable in Limit Form
This move allows the user to do a straight samurai dash at the opponent slicing through the mid section in a flash of white light, the opponent then is dealt damage at the end of the move. Only Terra can use this move.
__________ __________ __________ __________
Now, with all of those original moves plus the new ones, those that loved KH will see a real good thing here since all of these moves can be fully equipped to your liking and there's no pesky MP bar to keep you from doing it when you want to. (You still have to wait a sec since it has to charge, plus, this helps when people love to spam good moves instead of using a new one.) Anyways, this is just another reason to go out and buy KHBBS, but how many more do you need when I've just named five reasons in this update alone?
(Friday-August 29, 2010)
Well, it's the last week, next Tuesday will be the official release date of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep.
You remember last year the official release date was supposed to be December of this year, three more months from now? Yeah, I was this close to scratching my eyeballs out since I just couldn't wait for it. (I actually thought it was coming out March of 2010, just think of how I felt when I learned it was coming out in December.) Its either surprising if they cut work on BBS by three months time, or very disappointing if english translating, extra features and promotional advertising for the US was actually only a months worth of work and they just wanted us to wait. Nevertheless, I just couldn't wait till the last of this year when I heard about it a year before. I am ecstatic that I only had to wait six months instead of nine just for them to do english editing. Okay, back to the update! I'm going to say this for the last time, and this is the final decision made by Square Enix. You have no idea how many of my friends ask me about this so I will end the questions once and for all. (They just don't get it!) KHBBS will not be able to be played on the PSP Go! It can't be downloaded what so ever! This may seem alike to the two other updates about it, but this time it's final. The first time I wasn't so sure, the second time I was sure that it wasn't going to be downloadable at a period of time, this time, the game will "NEVER" be downloadable to the PSP GO. Thats it about the freaking PSP GO, it's clear you made a mistake, man up about it! Now on to the real update.
It would seem that 80% if not 90% of this game is brand spanking new, and I'm not talking about fresh out of the store new. The worlds in this game are pretty much all new, the worlds that are old only have two to three areas that are recognizably seen in both KH and KHII. The good but bad news is that this also applies to keyblades as well, so no old keyblade really appears except for Mickey's kingdom key (Unusable) and the Ultima Weapon. This is a little bad because I really liked Oblivion and Fatal Crest, not to mention Fenrir and Sleeping Lion. (The combination of Fatal Crest and Oblivion was perfect for completely crippling an opponent with magic and attacks, plus with the berserk charge, I could literally tear a boss to nothing within a minute. Not to mention they're both black and thats a bonus.) I really hope the new keyblades look hot as well as have awesome abilities new to the series. The other new stuff that I should've went into context about was that there is no MP bar included in this game. This is a major bonus since it allows for new abilities to take up the space of MP Rage and Hastega, and you don't have to constantly use a lot of Ethers just to keep using magic. You use a new system that allows constant use of spells and abilities that only take two to three seconds to recharge after every use. As I said before, this keeps most people from spamming magic spells and forces you to be more creative, which is not a bad thing. This also makes battles more real time since you can use spells right in the middle of a combo. I guess being a Keyblade Master pretty much made their Mp bar so long, it's not even needed here. They can use magic and attacks all day long.
(Tuesday-August 31, 2010)
Since the game is so close you'd think I'd have a lot of new info, but unfortunately this info is heavily glazed in the molasses I call spoiler content. So right now, I'm going to just tell you stuff that they included that was originally taken off of KHII, or not included in any of them at all. Since this game is technically a portable game like KH COM, and KH 365/2 days, it has a deck system rather than a magic equip system, so every spell and special attack is done with commands that you can equip. The bad news is that you're only limited to what you put on, plus I expect that you can't go into the menu in boss battles so you're stuck with what you've got. The super great news is that this allows at least 1000 possible combinations with the command deck having a possible 8 slots and the game having over 100 possible attacks that you can equip.
This system allowed you to use attacks that Sora could never use together in sequence, plus Aero was one of the magic attacks that was never properly displayed as an attack until BBS broke the mold. I welcome this system here and hope that its added in KHIII since its very effective in attacking when you've already tried using the normal Keyblade strikes.
(Thursday-September 2, 2010)
Its Finally the month of September! The month of my birthday, and the month of Kingdom Hearts Birth by sleep!! There's plenty of new info you can expect to see now that there's only 4 more days left!!
I can feel everything going right on the date of the 7th since I'm currently on a diet, and I'm going to totally splurge on junk food once I get BBS! Little Caesars Pizza is right next door to Gamestop, plus I'm going go to Subway after that and then to Hardee's to try them chicken strips! (I deserve this since I've been doing sit ups for the past month! I only weigh 180 for a 20 year old dude! I also only measure 5' 2"! ) Enough about me, I'm here to update on this awesome game. The thing that I have never ever used in all the Kingdom Hearts games was Summons. I hated them and they looked short lived and totally whack, the limits made up for this in KHII, but Summons were just a useless waste of MP in most of the games. They don't use Summons in this game thank goodness, but they use something of a Form Change that merges your player with the character chosen. This is called a D-Link. This ability changes the way you attack, your command deck, and adds on an ability specifically used by the character you chose onto your slot. Your command menu also changes its look depending on who you picked. It's awesome in my book and makes the game more enjoyable when you can use other peoples abilities. Hopefully when you use these forms they have attacks and abilities that you can't use normally, making the form very useful and original. If you could equip all of their moves and attacks, it would make the D-link pretty useless, but fortunately most if not all of the attacks they use are only usable in that form. It's definitely worth a try once in a while to mix it up and do things you wouldn't normally do, and you can also try to level them up for better attacks and abilities.
I've just seen the Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep commercial video on ABC Family Channel! Its was during Major Payne, (Funny!!!) and it was AWESOME!! I got goosebumps just watching it!! I know its probably been shown everywhere else but this is my first time seeing it!! Now when the commercial is on the air, you know the game's release is close. I'll show you it right now!!!
(Friday-September 3, 2010)
Good morning to all of you out there, or is it good night? Anyways, the clock's tickin' down on the official release of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep now that there's only 3 days left!! Still, there's some things that has to be discussed before you get a look into it yourselves. I recommend for all of you that hope to get into that door of your game retailer and buy it straight up get off your keister and pre order it before it's too late!! Do you know how many kingdom hearts fans there are out there waiting for a game that looks remotely like Kingdom Hearts II? A lot my friend, and since both 365/2 days plus Coded was a complete bust, everything is riding on this game here!! There will be a lot more people than usual in that store at least, so getting in line without that pre order will get you a big fat SOLD OUT sign! Unfortunately those of you that think they are in the clear by ordering online have a bigger waiting list since you'll have to wait at least two more days before it's shipped to you!! Even if there isn't a big waiting line when you get there, (Trust me, there will be one!) its a heck of a lot more enjoyable to get it early than wait till the afternoon. Now most of you are probably in school right? Since it is out on a "school day" you probably might be too late to even receive it unless you have a pre ordered copy waiting for you at the store. How unlucky for all of those 10 to 16 year olds. Bless their mischievous little hearts. Any who... the pre order stops on Sept the 6th at 11:00 of course, so you still have plenty of time. Pre order this online at specific stores like Gamestop and Walmart and you'll have this game knocking at your door on the exact release day.
I've been to Radical Dreamer's video site on youtube and it seems that a lot of people are blowing their brains out on who to choose first. Since Radical Dreamer has the "Japanese" version of the game he's both right and wrong since he has no doubt beaten the game and knows what comes before and after. His choice is Aqua, Ven, and Terra, while on the other hand the grand creator of the game Tetsuya Nomura suggested Terra, Ven and Aqua. Who's right when one actually has the game and the other created it? Since Radical Dreamer has the "Japanese" version, it's clear that the game isn't the same as the West or Lower East Region of the world. I put quotes on Japanese since they received the original raw ore version of birth by sleep, therefore the game could indeed have changed with region differences outside the translation. There has to be a reason why they choose the complete opposites of each other, plus this goes to show that any other order is completely wrong. Ven has to be in the middle no matter what the order is. I can't say for sure, but I'm going to have to stick with what my gut and Tetsuya Nomura tells me, and that order is Terra, Ven, then Aqua.
(Saturday-September 4, 2010)
I tell you it's all winding down to this now that there is only 2 days left!!! I wished it came out today instead of a lousy tuesday, but unfortunately it's just not going to happen. Still, I urge every PSP owner to buy this game, you will totally not regret it, and if you don't own one, you still have time to order them both in the entertainment pack. Use this time wisely obi-wan. The other spectacle I haven't gone over yet is the Shot Lock command, and it's a real doozy of an attack, enough to be a limit in it's own right. Most people seem iffy about this shoot lock mode and I do too if you know what I mean. The attacks that come with this mode screams power and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to use, so it will be pawned like no tomorrow in every stage by some people. It's just too spam friendly, and that little Focus bar isn't going to stay empty since it fills with each attack and Mode change finish. The upside other than being very powerful is that it hit's more than one target, even if you only locked on one target to begin with. Some of the attacks are original and some are shared by all the characters so you won't get the same thing over and over unless you only keep one on. The attacks are also able to level up to be more powerful, I found this useful since once one is fully leveled up, I can move on to the next Shot lock command as to not get bored by using the same one over and over again. Of course, not all of them are the same since some actually shoot out attacks while others rush in for some personal damage, plus, I heard that some are even able to clear a whole room with an attack as big as iron man's proton-cannon! I'm still a little bit skeptical about using these super powerful moves, but I'll definitely keep them in mind when trouble comes my way.
Shot-Lock Attacks
A 7.5 out of 10.0!!?
I've got a major issue with a so called game site on what they think of KHBBS. Gamespot has been a real "ok" and loyal place for reviews and strategies alike, but they have gone off the deep end with this one!! They gave Kingdom Hearts Birth by sleep a 7.5 rating out of 10.0!! Thats not the half of it though, they gave this low rating and only stated problems that's been seen in the old kingdom hearts games before!! The bad thing is that they gave KHII and KH a score of 8.7 and 8.2!! Heres what they said, and I quote, "terra has horrible dialogue and the camera is awkward when locking on." The camera is "supposed" to shift when you lock on, and it's suppose to go straight to the opponent whether they're in the air or right behind you! This problem also only happens once in a full moon! They also had the nerve to say that "Terra's voice acting is abysmal"!
It's not horrible you idiot, it's just that he's a bit acerbic and monotone like Cloud Strife! (Until they both fight of course!) I know they're going to change this score later because every paying member that wrote a review scored this game 9.0 or higher. The user review was at an average 9.5 for christ sake!! Maybe the writer, Kevin VanOrd, has some personal issue with this game since he gave Lego Harry Potter a higher score of 8.0!! (Come on, what are you thinking!!?) I have no idea how they got that score when major game sites are giving this game way more than just a 7.0!! Ign gave this awesome game a score of 8.5 out of 10.0, Gamefaqs gave this game a great 9.0, and last but not least, G4tv gave this game a 4 out of 5!! I mean, you just can't beat that!! To all of you out there, don't let Gamespot or Kevin VanOrd discourage you from buying this game, this game is of the highest standard and will satisfy your Kingdom hearts needs for years to come.
(Sunday-September 5, 2010)
It's getting kind of critical now that there's only 1 day left!! You have till tomorrow at 11:00 to go get those preoder receipts in hand or you'll pretty much miss out on the feeling of getting those cool decals or being the first to receive BBS. We've waited two whole years since we finished KHII for this and our patience is duly rewarded. Again, those of you who actually bought this online will receive their copy during the date of the release, can't say when, buy they'll guarantee that it'll get there at least before 11:59 p.m. on the 06th.
I'm sure most of you will wait till the game's price is lowered, or try to wait for a used copy, but let me tell you that it'll be a looong time before that ever happens. It took at least a year and a half before KHII lowered from 40 dollars to 30, than it took half a year just to get to 24 dollars. Right now it's still not as low since its about 20 dollars for one used copy!! (Reference: Gamestop, Walmart) If it is out on the used shack, the idiot who put it there is either just trying to get paid by stealing and reselling, or he/she obviously don't know good gaming at all. I highly doubt that there's any other reason since this game is so awesome.
For the most part.... I've got nothing. The only thing thats really new and without spoilers is that fans all around are getting super heated over two things, but the blame isn't in the right place. The first thing is that people are totally bashing down on Square Enix for not putting this game on the go. Unfortunately for those of you who are putting the blame, your aim is on the wrong side. Disney is actually the one who didn't want this game on the network since they are super serious about copyright infringement and people getting this game without buying it. Next time do a little research before you blow your top off at the wrong person, it saves a lot of trouble. The next thing is that people got sore with Ign for the scoring of 8.7. I understand that anything less than 9.0 for this game is crappy scoring, but it's just not worth it when they actually gave a score close to it at least. Some scores like Gamespot per say has it at 7.5, if you want to be angry, be angry at them. If you want some closure, go to Gametrailers.com for a satisfying score of 9.4 out of 10. Reliable sites like Ign and Gametrailers shouldn't be the target of your well found anger, the real target should be sites like Gamespot.com or Gamerankings.com.
(Monday-September 6, 2010)
It's almost here, now, there's only 0 days left!!! Tomorrow is the official release for Birth by sleep in the US, those of you in the lower Eastern region of the world only have 2 days left!! I've waited sooo long for this! I haven't played a kingdom hearts game in a few years, and I'm starting to forget a lot of things about it, but this will put me back on track! For the last and final time for all of you out there, get that pre-order before 11:00 p.m. or no personal copy of Birth by Sleep and decals for you! The lower east region of the world, (I would say Europe but Australia and Africa is down there too) will have tons of time left to save up some extra Euro Coins ( € ), Australian Dollars (A$ ), and some Various Currency in Africa. (Couldn't find just one)
Either way I really think that this is a good buy all around since it's so exclusive to any Kingdom Hearts fan. With tomorrow being the day of all the days, I doubt I'll be writing until late night tomorrow after I finish a character. Tomorrow is gonna ROCK!!
One of the last subjects before the official release is sort of a rumor that can't be answered until the game is played by me or you. The subject is about the total new Keyblade count on this game alone, which is rumored to be a lot, just over Kingdom Hearts II count of 24, now thats a lot of keyblades. This rumor is rarely talked about, even by people who has the game, but I suppose they think it's a privilege to actually know everything about this game so they're pretty much keeping it tight lipped. The other subject is about the secondary form change. This as we all know allows you to change your form a second time to a more powerful one. Now, two of the forms, namely Blade Charge and Wing blade, have no keyblade to attack with, just energy. Now, how are you suppose to use command screen moves like Strike Raid and Magic? Maybe the keyblade reverts back for the specific move? I have no idea, but I'll have to find out to get some answers. Still, with forms like these that create long, powerful, and swarm killing energy blades like these, I doubt you'll even need to use command screen moves.
Wing Blade Gameplay
Thanks goes to Koukoupuffs for the awesome Wing blade video!!
(Tuesday-September 7, 2010)
I've just got my hands on Birth by sleep at 10:00, and it is AWESOME!!!!! I don't even know how I was able to put the thing down!! I'm just into Aqua's story, and she is amazing for a character I don't even really like!! If she's this good imagine how Ven and Terra is going to be!! First of all, the not so good stuff. It's pretty much perfect in terms of every aspect except the controls. The analog on the Psp was not made for adventure games, it's just too stubby and hard, scratching my thumb every time I move it. Plus I can't get a grip on long term walking. Still, I'll play this game till I get blisters on my thumb if that's what it takes!! The second is the jump and attack buttons. Very confusing, but fortunately easy to slide into the more I use them. This will pretty much flub up my other gaming controls, but this game is totally worth it. I give it an S, S, S, A in every rank that can be ranked. The more I play if it's this good now, I'm sure that It'll just keep getting better and better. I'll try to update this when done with Aqua.
I'm still not done with Aqua, but it's going great. If you thought it was going to be easy, think again, than think again another time for your stupidity. This is so hard to level up with it's just not going to to get done on one play though. Then there's the unbirth, horrible bastards are hard as a biyatch to really comprehend their movements. They are so much like the Samurai is KHII, silent until they actually move, than they just go wild. My favorite moves are pretty much everyone of them except for a select few like thunder. (Not to be confused with the more powerful -ra and -ga types, I absolutely love those.) The finishers I think are going to be tough since it takes so much to do one in the first place, than they split into three more finishers with a lot of experience needed to unlock it. I absolutely love the command deck, no arguments here at all, especially the Action Commands, every one of them useful and an important asset. I also absolutely love the Shot-lock command Thunderstorm, considering its my only other one besides the bubble blaster, It shoots out homing electric blasts that looks a lot like Ragnarok. It's very powerful to use, but also very tricky to use since one bad command input will cut the attack off completely, wasting Focus and doing very low damage. A Too Fast and Too Slow will do this to the attack, but a Good and an Excellent will allow you to pull off a whole lot more attacks, up to at least 5 (I think, it looked so hot I can't remember) attacks that do horrific damage to bosses. Once you learn the pattern of looking at the light shaped X and timing you button press, it'll be a powerful asset. One more thing, I faced Vanitas, and he's pretty strong, but with enough guards, dodge rolls, and counter attacks like Revenge Raid and and Payback Surge, you'll be able to get him in no time. Still, he's hardly the hardest, I had a more worst time trying to figure out how to guard that green fire Maleficent covers the entire field with. By the way it's only guarded by the prince's shield, so you pretty much have to be beside him all the time. Go figure!!
(Friday-September 10, 2010)
I know, I know, I haven't been online for a while, but this game is so freaking exciting! I've finished Aqua and she was a blast, I've pretty much got her down to a science and know her weaknesses and strengths. I'm about a quarter of a way done with Ven, and he just blows my socks off. He has so much speed that I can literally blow past a swarm of Unversed in a matter of seconds. With the right Command abilities attached, he can combo into moves forever. Aqua has a good balance of attack and magic but her real strengths come from her command attacks and defense. Her barrier is pretty much the best defense out of all considering Terra has the same Keyblade block as Ven. She can block in all directions as well as retaliate in all directions with Payback surge. Plus with the command that allows her to disappear and reappear, (Forgot what it was called) she can show up behind her opponents easily. Ven can't defend as well considering he can only block what's in front of him, so I would recommend only using block when you know an attack is coming, other than that his all powerful dodge roll is enough to get out of the way. His retaliation commands are good, but again only best in one direction. Still, his strength is in his quick attacks allowing him to make the full use of combo plus and Air combo plus. He is also the Strike Raid master considering every strike raid move goes perfect with his original attacks, Command Styles, and movement. His retaliation command is also a strike raid move called Payback Raid. He is by far my favorite since I use so many Keyblade Command moves, Aqua couldn't use them like I wanted since her keyblade strikes were so slow. I'm still not done with Ven since I haven't unlocked everything for him, plus I've got Terra left to go so I still cant answer the question of who reveals the most or who is better, but these will come to past as soon as I'm done with Ven.
(Saturday-September 18, 2010)
Well, its been a while, huh? This large gap in my updates aren't because I forgot, but because this game is taking away all of my time. I'm pretty much done with all three characters, and I'd still have to say that Ven is definitely my Favorite. Right now I'm beating the Mirage Arena which is reaaallly hard. You at least have to be Lv 30 to even get anywhere. I've beaten Iron Prisoner III, and I just can't seem to get anywhere else. Right now before I even try the final chapter of this game, I'm shooting for Lv 60 with everybody, and I'm trying to get every Deck command as well as abilities for everyone. I've heard that Vanitas' Sentiment and Unknown Opponent are as hard as you can get, but I"m sure that Ultima Weapon would really help here for everyone, so that'll be a great asset to mopping the floor with these bastards. (Plus I really want that black and white Void Gear Keyblade!!) Trust me, any less than a Lv 60, curaga, all abilities and commands at Lv 3 or above, and a really good keyblade, will net you with a very quick defeat. Knowledge of the opponent will be gained with experience, so even if you don't have any of these requirements filled, as long as you don't get hit you'll be okay. (That's going to be very hard without a Lv 4 dodge roll, Cartwheel, or Air Slide since you'll have to use it all the time, so I still recommend all your commands be at maximum Lv.) If you're done with everything after only a week you either have no life other than this game, or have fingers like a precise needle gun. This game will take a lot of time and that's a fact, plus with modes like Proud Mode, it's pretty much a game that won't be one shotted.
Terra is a very difficult character to play with because he has two definite types to him. Ven is Wind and his specialty is Strike raid type attacks, Aqua is Ice and her specialty is Massive spell type attacks, but unlike those two, Terra is Rock and Dark and his specialty is Blitz type attacks and Dark type attacks. This is cool, don't get me wrong, but I have no idea how to set him up as well as the others. Ven easily can combo in Aeroga, Wind Raid, Ars Arcanum, Salvation, Spark Raid and Sonic Blade. Aqua can also easily combo in Deep Freeze, Triple Blizzaga, Magic Hour, Seeker Mine, Freeze Raid, and Sonic Blade. (Sonic Blade and Raid attacks are my Favorite!) I still don't know how to use him when his attacks just don't connect as fast as the others. The only ones that easily connect are Dark Haze, and Ars Solum. The rest just leaves him open too easily. Oh well, I'll find it, but for now I'm just using fire attacks for Fire Storm and Rock attacks to go into Rock breaker afterwards. Dark impulse is hot but unfortunately it's just like Shadow Form in KHII, it's quick and powerful but still only focuses on one opponent at a time. Great for bosses, terrible for normal foes.
Trust me, when working with Terra, make sure your Deck Command and Command Forms flow smoothly with his slow attacks, if you have to pause at anytime to use them either in air or on the ground, you'll be a sitting duck for exactly one second. This is just the way I see it, but I'm sure there are people who can easily make use of his long distance Air Slide and go from there into a long combo. Once you do find that Deck Command list that allows him to attack non stop, he'll be a very lethal opponent for anybody who's up against him. (He's still not better than Sora, look at Xemnas and False Ansem, Sora pretty much owned them even though he still hasn't got a shot at Xehanort.)